Make your reservation
You can make your online reservation at Lugar on this page of our website
Please make online reservations for the same day by 12.00. Should you wish to make a reservation after 12.00 for the same day, please call us on 040-2218989.
After you have made your reservation, you will receive an automated message from us. Please note that this is not a confirmation message, your confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail as soon as possible.
Selecteer eerst uw gewenste tijd! Daarna ziet u welke tijden er beschikbaar zijn.
By completing this online reservation form you authorize Restaurant Lugar to process your personal details. We will use your details exclusively for the purpose you have provided us with. We will not share these details with any other parties, unless we are lawfully obliged to do so.
Please refer to our privacy statement for more details on how we process your personal details.
Opening hours
Monday t/m Friday
from 12.00 uur
Monday t/m Friday
from 17.00 uur
Closed on Sundays
Except for
some holidays